Daniele Colombaroli (URoyal Halloway) presents palaeovegetation and fire studies from eastern Africa.
Members of the ARCC project, including Paul Lane, Rob Marchant and Colin Courtney Mustaphi, presented work at the African Quaternary Association’s annual meeting held at the National Museum of Kenya in Nairobi (14-22 July 2018).

Rob Marchant (University of York) presents LandCover6k synthesis results and ongoing activities.
Rob presented the current state of the PAGES supported LandCover6k working group with a focus on combining and synthesising palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records from East Africa (see: Marchant et al., 2018). Colin M presented some videos used for science dissemination and also helped lead a 3-day long training session on palaeofire research in Africa with the Global Paleofire Working Group 2, which was supported through PAGES.

Prof. Paul Lane (Cambridge/Uppsala) chaired a session on multidisciplinary research in African ecosystems.
References cited:
Marchant R, Richer S, Boles O, Capitani C, Courtney-Mustaphi C, Lane P, Prendergast M, Stump D, Wynne-Jones S, Ferro Vázquez C, Wright D, Boivin N, Lang C, Kay A, Phelps L, Fuller D, Widgren M, Punwong P, Lejju J, Gaillard-Lemdahl M-J, Morrison KD, Kaplan J, Benard J, Crowther A, Cuní-Sanchez A, de Cort G, Deere N, Ekblom A, Farmer J, Finch J, Gillson L, Githumbi E, Kabora T, Kariuki R, Kinyanjui R, Kyazike E, Muiruri V, Mumbi C, Muthoni R, Muzuka A, Ndiema E, Nzabandora C, Olago D, Onjala D, Pas Schrijver A, Petek N, Platts PJ, Rucina S, Shoemaker A, Thornton-Barnett S, van der Plas G, Watson L, Williamson D. 2018. Drivers and trajectories of land cover change in East Africa: human and environmental interactions from 6000 years ago to present. Earth-Science Reviews 178: 322-378.

Dr. Stephen Rucina (NMK) with colleagues.