An audio recording of Professor Paul Lane’s talk on ‘Weathering Climate Change in Eastern Africa – Archaeological Insights on the Current Climate’ presented on Monday 18th November 2024, is now available to listen to from the Centre of African Studies CAS, University of Cambridge, UK. Permalink The PowerPoint that accompanies the talk is available here.
REAL Project Web Documentary “CHANGES” REAL ITN members and IIAC-CNRS/EHESS. 2017. “CHANGES”. REAL changes digital documentary. Videos created by REAL members Webinars and recorded seminars Creating Socio-Environmental Scenarios Webinar. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, and Resources for the Future. Wed. 20 October 2021, 15:00-16:30 (EDT UTC -4) Presenters:Vanessa Schweizer, University of […]
Amboseli scenario planning workshop
ARCC held its fourth multi-stakeholder engagement workshop on 20-22nd Nov 2019 in Amboseli area in south-eastern Kenya. Like other stakeholder engagement workshops ARCC has held in north-western Tanzania, the workshop in Amboseli was interested in understanding long term changes in the interactions between people and nature using perspectives from different stakeholders across the Amboseli ecosystem. The […]
Beny Lilawola joins ARCC
ARCC project members have expanded to include Beny Lilawola, an MA student in the Department of History at the University of Dar es Salaam. Lilawola is supervised by former REAL project ESR Dr Maxmillian Chuhila. Lilawola has long been interested in how cash crop production in the colonial period transformed agricultural livelihoods and landscapes throughout Tanzania. […]
Western Serengeti stakeholder workshop
ARCC’s third stakeholder engagement workshop was held on 26-28th August 2019 workshop in Bariadi town in northern Tanzania. The stakeholders comprised of government and non-governmental bodies, local community, researchers and Wildlife Management Areas from Bariadi, Itilima, Meatu, Maswa and Busega Districts in Simiyu Region. Like other stakeholders workshops run by ARCC, the workshop was interested […]
Participatory Scenario Planning Workshop in Ifakara
The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) is a 20 year agricultural commercialisation initiative launched by the World Economic Forum in 2010, with the ultimate goal of enhancing agricultural productivity, food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. The corridor runs through Tanzania’s Kilombero district, an incredibly fertile and biodiverse area with a future that […]
The KESHO framework
Researchers are challenged with exploring and understanding the future of social-ecological systems while addressing their inherent uncertainty. Consequently, scenarios are widely used to explore consistent and realistic narratives of possible future land cover/use patterns, to disseminate co-produced land cover/use change information, to inform policy, and enact positive change. The ARCC project incorporates the KESHO framework […]
Changes. A Web Documentary on the Resilience in East African Landscapes Project
A production by the REAL ITN & IIAC-CNRS/ EHESS 2017 It is our great pleasure to announce the release of the web documentary “Changes” that is based on the insights produced by the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) research and training network. The web documentary constitutes an interactive immersion into the research conducted by […]
REAL ITN hosts its final conference in Moshi
Landscape Transformations and Sustainable Trajectories in East Africa– Past, Present and Future On 11 -12 July 2017, the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) ITN hosted its final conference “Landscape Transformations and Sustainable Trajectories in East Africa – Past, Present, Future” at Uhuru Hotel and Conference Centre in Moshi, Tanzania. The conference provided a forum […]
REAL web documentary preview in Nairobi
On 13 May 2017 the Alliance Francaise in Nairobi, in collaboration with IFRA, the REAL ITN, CNRS and the French Embassy, organized a mini film festival to explore the diversity of scientific documentary films. Part of the film screening was a preview of parts of the REAL web documentary that traces different ways of exploring […]
Fighting for land in Laikipia
Newspaper article by Marie Gravesen For those of you who master a Scandinavian language: REAL project member Marie Gravesen has recently published a background article in the Danish newspaper ‘information’ on the current situation in Laikipia, Kenya, where land invasions and uncertainty have been building up before the election. You can find the article on […]
Landscape in the Anthropocene
Symposium in Paris in December REAL researcher Benoit Hazard, together with Ueru Tanaka from Japan, is organizing the exciting symposium Landscape in the Anthropocene, which will take place in Paris 5-8 December 2016. Both Benoit and REAL ESR Christine Adongo will give presentations on their ongoing research on geothermal areas in Kenya. Please find the […]