The Vetenskapsrådet (VR, Swedish Research Council) in association with Sida and Formas has funded a multiyear project titled ‘Adaptation & Resilience to Climate Change‘ that runs parallel and has overlapping focal areas to the REAL project. The grant forms part of the VR/Sida/Formas Sustainability and resilience – Tackling climate and environmental change research programme. The […]
Reversing global warming with livestock?: Seth Itzkan at TEDxSomerville
Published on May 24, 2012 Global warming may be mitigated by the most unlikely of sources, cattle. How is this possible? How can this vilified creature be an ally in the fight against climate change? Seth Itzkan shows us how. Seth is President of Planet-TECH Associates, a consultancy that investigates innovations for a regenerative […]
Palaeoenvironmental site map
Interactive map of palaeoenvironmental sites in East Africa. Click the sites to find the relevant published studies and access the papers. An index list of sites can be found by clicking the box at the top left corner of the map. version 001 Colin Courtney Mustaphi 15 December 2014 Sites and references Amani Pond Mumbi […]
International Swiss Climate Summer School
13th International Swiss Climate Summer School “Linking Land Use, Land Cover, and Climate” 31 August – 5 September 2014, Grindelwald, Switzerland Scope The 13th International Swiss Climate Summer School was focused on the theme “Linking land use, land cover, and climate”. This theme had been chosen due to its paramount importance in terms of both […]