Originally posted: https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/557792/humans-lions/ Apr 12, 2018 | 642 videos Video by Nani Walker and Alan Toth “Lions are really causing us havoc,” laments an African pastoralist in Nani Walker and Alan Toth’s short documentary, Living with Lions. The film chronicles the conflict between lions and humans in Laikipia County, Kenya, where drought and urbanization have pushed people and wildlife into […]
Fighting for land in Laikipia
Newspaper article by Marie Gravesen For those of you who master a Scandinavian language: REAL project member Marie Gravesen has recently published a background article in the Danish newspaper ‘information’ on the current situation in Laikipia, Kenya, where land invasions and uncertainty have been building up before the election. You can find the article on […]
REAL at the ASAUK conference 2016
REAL had a stream of three panels on the temporal, spatial and social dynamics of human-landscape interactions in East Africa at the African Studies Association of the UK 2016 conference at University of Cambridge in September 2016. The panels were themed ‘past’, ‘present’ and ‘future’, providing different temporal frames for the REAL ESRs to present […]