The 2nd field season for the York REAL team begun in February 2015 with visits and meetings at various institutions for possible collaboration and networking. Esther Githumbi met with the Kenya CIFOR team Mariana Rufino and Alphonse on the 16th of February at their ILRI office on their ongoing research in the Mau ecosystem to […]
REAL participates at YorNight outreach event in York, UK
YorNight at the University of York Date: 26 September 2014 Time: 4 pm – 9 pm Location: St Martin’s Church, York, United Kingdom REAL members alongside University of York archaeologists Louise Iles and Daryl Stump and members of the The Archaeology of Agricultural Resilience in Eastern Africa (AAREA) project, researchers from the Environment Department; Phil Platts and […]
International Swiss Climate Summer School
13th International Swiss Climate Summer School “Linking Land Use, Land Cover, and Climate” 31 August – 5 September 2014, Grindelwald, Switzerland Scope The 13th International Swiss Climate Summer School was focused on the theme “Linking land use, land cover, and climate”. This theme had been chosen due to its paramount importance in terms of both […]
Quadcopter with camera for surveying
During a test run of the DJI Phantom II quadcopter on July 22, 2014, the quad flew away and landed in a field. This video was recorded and shows its 2300-meter-long adventure through the University of York campus and to a nearby school field. Dave Hay, from the Environment Department, put this video on YouTube […]
Nyabuiyabui Swamp fieldwork
Nyabuiyabui swamp field work was carried out between 10-12/04/2014 by Colin Courtney Mustaphi, Esther Githumbi who were accompanied by Rebecca Muthoni (Intern at National Museums of Kenya) and Joseph Mutua (BIEA). Nyabuiyabui Swamp is located in Mau forest, Kiptunga block and permission to carry out the field work was granted by the KFS. It […]
ER 1: (Wild?)fire
Marie Curie ITN Experienced Researcher: Dr. Colin Courtney Mustaphi Host Institution: University of York Institute for Tropical Ecosystems (KITE), Environment Department Duration: November 2013 to November 2015 Summary: Fire is an important disturbance in East African ecosystems , influencing community structure and function, species distributions, nutrient processes, and plays a role in global carbon cycle. Humans have […]
Photos from the Baringo conference at the University of Köln
Over January 8-10, 2014, the Global South Studies Center at the University of Cologne hosted a conference and brought together many members of the REAL team and other researchers working in East Africa. The focus was social-ecological transitions, exchange and emergence: resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin and adjoining highlands. […]
Resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin
Over January 8-10, 2014, the Global South Studies Center at the University of Cologne hosted a conference and brought together many members of the REAL team and other researchers working in East Africa. The focus was social-ecological transitions, exchange and emergence: resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin and adjoining highlands. The program is […]
Photos from the Baringo conference at the University of Köln
Over January 8-10, 2014, the Global South Studies Center at the University of Cologne hosted a conference and brought together many members of the REAL team and other researchers working in East Africa. The focus was social-ecological transitions, exchange and emergence: resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin and adjoining highlands. […]
Colin Courtney Mustaphi
Colin Courtney Mustaphi contact info
[Biography] [KITE at York] [Publications] [Contact Info] [Twitter] Address: Geoecology, Department of Earth Science, University of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 27 4056 Basel Swizterland Email: Biography: I use sediment stratigraphies to reconstruct past environmental conditions using sedimentological and palaeoecological methods. By studying the past we can start to understand how ecosystems will respond […]
Resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin
Over January 8-10, 2014, the Global South Studies Center at the University of Cologne hosted a conference and brought together many members of the REAL team and other researchers working in East Africa. The focus was social-ecological transitions, exchange and emergence: resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin and adjoining highlands. The […]