DataThief III by Bas Tummers Ever have the need to pull data from a publication but you cannot access the raw data. Perhaps it is from an old publication and the graph was hand drawn or the data files that went into making the graph have been long lost through the evolution of data […]
Software for working with compositional data: CoDaPack
Comas-Cufí M, Thió-Henestrosa S. CoDaPack 2.0, 2011. Universitat de Girona. Available at
REAL-NMK training workshop summary
By: Colin Courtney Mustaphi January 2, 2014 The REAL project and the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) published a workshop summary in the latest issue of Frontiers of Biogeography, the scientific publication of the International Biogeography Society. The combined REAL project and NMK training event was held March 2014 in Nairobi. Click here for an […]