In an era of rapid environmental change – a global synthesis
On 6th and 7th October 2014 KITE and REAL members participated in this South East Asia Rainforest Research Programme (SEARRP) meeting held at the Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London, United Kingdom. The Royal Society was founded in 1660 by King Charles II.
The Royal Society, through its South East Asia Rainforest Research Programme (SEARRP) based in the Danum Valley, has facilitated an extensive, multi-disciplinary body of research over the past 25+ years, which will form part of the basis of discussions, alongside similar work from South America and Africa.
REAL participation:
Rob Marchant gave a talk on the first day titled “Palaeo perspectives for constraining the future” and Colin Mustaphi presented an updated poster titled “Fire disturbance regimes and vegetation interactions in East Africa during the Late Quaternary” co-authored by Esther Githumbi and Nicolas Deere. [PDF of Poster] [JPEG].
The meeting was attended by internationally renowned researchers and covered multiple important approaches to studying tropical forests. Panel sessions included questions from the floor and through Twitter and highlighted the necessity of all stakeholders and perspectives building consensus on the priorities for conservation efforts in tropical forests and the uniqueness of tropical forests in South East Asia, Africa and the Americas.
![A break following the first session that Rob marchant presented in and also participated in a panel discussion on environmental and social issues surrounding tropical forests.](
A break following the first session that Rob marchant presented in and also participated in a panel discussion on environmental and social issues surrounding tropical forests.
REAL would like to thank the organisers, funders, and participants for this excellent forum for discussing topics relevant to the REAL project.
Organisers: Royal Society SE Asia Rainforest Research Programme (SEARRP): John Pyle (University of Cambridge), Glen Reynolds (SEARRP), Andy Hector (University of Oxford), Jane Hill (University of York)
Funding: Generously supported by the Royal Society, the SE Asia Rainforest Research Programme (SEARRP), the Malaysian Commonwealth Studies Centre /Cambridge Malaysian Education and Development Trust, and the British Ecological Society.
Written and photographed by: Colin Courtney Mustaphi
7 October 2014