Position: Professor, Head of Limnology Unit, Ghent University, Coordinating team in REAL project Address: Ghent University Department of Biology Limnology Research Unit. K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35 L10 9000 Gent Email: dirk.verschuren@UGent.be Website: UGent Limnology Publications: https://biblio.ugent.be/person/801000736550
Colin Courtney Mustaphi contact info
[Biography] [KITE at York] [Publications] [Contact Info] [Twitter] Address: Geoecology, Department of Earth Science, University of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 27 4056 Basel Swizterland Email: colin.courtney-mustaphi@unibas.ch Biography: I use sediment stratigraphies to reconstruct past environmental conditions using sedimentological and palaeoecological methods. By studying the past we can start to understand how ecosystems will respond […]
Anna Shoemaker
Current Position:Senior Archaeologist, Terra Archaeology Ltd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. At Terra, Anna currently manages archaeological assessment projects in collaboration with First Nations, and provincial and municipal government agencies primarily in the Southern Interior of British Columbia. Shoemaker, Anna. 2018. Pastoral pasts in the Amboseli landscape: An archaeological exploration of the Amboseli ecosystem from the […]
Aynalem Z. Degefa contact info
Position: Early-stage researcher, PhD student Address: Limnology Unit, Department of Biology, Ghent University K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium Email: aynalemzenebe.degefa@ugent.be or aynalem241@gmail.com Website: UGent webpage Supervisor: Dirk Verschuren Biography: I am a doctoral student at Ghent University, Limnology Research Unit. I have BSc (2006) in Applied Geology from Mekelle University and MSc (2009) […]
Annemiek Pas Schrijver contact info
Position: Early-stage researcher Address: Department of Human Geography Stockholms Universitet SE-106 91 Stockholm Sweden Email: annemiek.schrijver@humangeo.su.se Website: SU webpage LinkedIn profile Bio: I am a PhD student in the department of Human Geography at Stockholm University. Within the ‘Historical Geography and Landscape Studies’ profile, I will investigate human-environment interactions in the Laikipia province. My research […]
Christine Adongo
Position: Early-stage researcher: ESR 9 Address: Centre Edgar Morin 22 rue d’Athenes 75009 Paris Email: adongoc@gmail.com, christine.adongo@ehess.fr I am an Early stage researcher based at L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris. My research theme is on development, socio-ecological transition and local adaptation in present time, under the supervision of Dr. Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo, […]
Marie Gravesen contact info
Position: Early-stage researcher Address: Email: Website:
Eric Mutisya Kioko
Bio: I am currently an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) of the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) pursuing my PhD in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Cologne. I completed my Master of Arts in Culture and Environment (CEA) at the same department and attained a Bachelor of Arts in […]
Mats Widgren contact info
Position: Professor Address: Department of Human Geography Stockholms Universitet SE-106 91 Stockholm Sweden Email: mats.widgren@humangeo.su.se Website: Departmental website
Lowe Borjeson contact info
Position: Assistant Professor Address: Department of Human Geography Stockholms Universitet SE-106 91 Stockholm Sweden Email: Lowe.Borjeson@humangeo.su.se Website: Departmental website
David Anderson contact info
Position: Professor Address: Department of History University of Warwick Humanities Building, University Road Coventry CV4 7AL United Kingdom Email: D.M.Anderson@warwick.ac.uk Website: Departmental website