The Vetenskapsrådet (VR, Swedish Research Council) in association with Sida and Formas has funded a multiyear project titled ‘Adaptation & Resilience to Climate Change‘ that runs parallel and has overlapping focal areas to the REAL project. The grant forms part of the VR/Sida/Formas Sustainability and resilience – Tackling climate and environmental change research programme. The […]
REAL ITN hosts its final conference in Moshi
Landscape Transformations and Sustainable Trajectories in East Africa– Past, Present and Future On 11 -12 July 2017, the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) ITN hosted its final conference “Landscape Transformations and Sustainable Trajectories in East Africa – Past, Present, Future” at Uhuru Hotel and Conference Centre in Moshi, Tanzania. The conference provided a forum […]
REAL web documentary preview in Nairobi
On 13 May 2017 the Alliance Francaise in Nairobi, in collaboration with IFRA, the REAL ITN, CNRS and the French Embassy, organized a mini film festival to explore the diversity of scientific documentary films. Part of the film screening was a preview of parts of the REAL web documentary that traces different ways of exploring […]
PAGES open science meeting
Colin Courtney Mustaphi attended the PAGES Past Global Changes open science meeting in Zaragoza, Spain, May 9-13. This included giving a talk on the LandCover6k project efforts to bring together palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data from the East Africa region. A poster on the collaboration of multiple ESRs and project partners was also presented that shows […]
New collaborative paper on charcoal studies
A new collaborative paper is out about the need to develop a database of modern charcoal deposition from wildfires in sediments and soils has been published in the journal Quaternary International. Three members of the REAL project: Colin Mustaphi, Esther Githumbi and Rob Marchant, as well as Rebecca Muthoni from the National Museums of Kenya, […]
REAL project management and advisory board meeting
Warwick July 2016 On 7 July 2016 the REAL ITN management and advisory board met at the University of Warwick.
Workshop: Food Security in Eastern Africa
PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE On 7-8 July 2016 The REAL team gathered at the University of Warwick to discuss the past, present and future of food security in Eastern Africa. The training workshop was held at the Global History & Culture Centre. The meeting started on Thursday 7 July with sessions on budget planning and research […]
Field Diary Special Issue: Call for Contributions
The Field Diary is a digital open-access newsletter that highlights and promotes the human perspective of conducting fieldwork anywhere in the world by all groups working for companies, government, development/conservation/missionary NGOs, security, graduate students, and academia. The first issue of the Field Diary brought together a collection of fieldwork-themed stories from many parts of the world including, Kenya, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, and New […]
REAL& ACC conservation workshop in Nairobi
On 30th March 216, the REAL ITN, in collaboration with the African Conservation Centre, held a workshop on the theme of “Ecosystem Dynamics, Conservation Practices and Land Use in East Africa” at the British Institute in Eastern Africa in Nairobi. The idea and aim of the workshop was to look at aspects of land use, […]
REAL Visits Mount Suswa Conservancy
March 31st is one of my most favourite field visits. It was most honourable to have almost the entire REAL group visit one of my field sites – Mount Suswa, after a conservation training in Nairobi. Not only was visiting Suswa a break from the city, it was an opportunity to visit a conservancy, one conservation […]
Field Diary Call for Contributions
The first issue of the Field Diary brought together a collection of fieldwork-themed stories from many parts of the world including, Kenya, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, and New Zealand. It is available here: The Field Diary is a digital open-access newsletter that highlights and promotes the human perspective of conducting fieldwork anywhere in the world by all groups working for companies, government, development/conservation/missionary […]
World Universities Network (WUN)
World Universities Network (WUN) The WUN Global Africa Group has been identified as one of WUN’s Cross-Cutting themes. These themes intersect with all four Global Challenges and are seen as vital to understanding and addressing them. Cross-Cutting themes are selected based on identifed research strengths across WUN.The group brings together expertise and resources from across Africa and members […]