Images and text modified from: Cambridge Chronicles (2025) The Department of Archaeology and the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research are delighted to announce that Professor Gilly Carr, REAL project alumnus Dr Nik Petek-Sargeant and Stanley Jachike Onyemechalu were recognised at the recent Cambridge Awards for Research Impact and Engagement. See the original port on the University of Cambridge Department of […]
Weathering Climate Change in Eastern Africa
An audio recording of Professor Paul Lane’s talk on ‘Weathering Climate Change in Eastern Africa – Archaeological Insights on the Current Climate’ presented on Monday 18th November 2024, is now available to listen to from the Centre of African Studies CAS, University of Cambridge, UK. Permalink The PowerPoint that accompanies the talk is available here.
KUMiT Project book launch!
The new book of postglacial paleoenvironmental change in Thurgau, eastern Switzerland, and related archaeology around small lakes on the Swiss Plateau is now available for free as a PDF on ResearchGate and books can be found at the Amt fur Archaeologie, Canton Thurgau!! Heiri O, Leuzinger U, Wick L, Brem H, Breu S, Courtney-Mustaphi C, Grudzinska […]
ARCC archaeologists at Africa, the Cradle of Human Diversity Conference
ARCC project members Paul Lane, Anneli Ekblom, and Anna Shoemaker recently attended the international conference on human diversity (May 22-25), hosted by the Schlebusch Lab, Uppsala University. Africa, the Cradle of Human Diversity Conference was dedicated to exploring diversity in relation to crucial chapters of past and recent African history from a cross-disciplinary perspective. The conference covered an […]
New paper on Biocultural Heritage in Africa!
2 January 2019 A new open-access publication co-authored by REAL team members Anna Shoemaker and Paul Lane is available from the MDPI journal ‘Land’. Ekblom A, Shoemaker A, Gillson L, Lane P, Lindholm K-L. 2019. Conservation through Biocultural Heritage—Examples from Sub-Saharan Africa. Land 8(1), 5. Abstract In this paper, we review the potential of biocultural […]
African Archaeology Research Day
Welcome to AARD 2017 We are pleased to invite you to the 2017 African Archaeology Research Day (AARD) meeting, which will be hosted on Saturday 25 November at the Department of Archaeology, University of York. The African Archaeology Research Day has been an annual event in the UK since 2002 and the first meeting held […]
Ethnogenesis and Surplus Food Production
New Article by Nik Petek and Paul Lane REAL researchers Nik Petek and Paul Lane have recently published an article on the ethnogenesis of the Ilchamus and the food production capacity of the irrigation system in Baringo. Have a look:
REAL at the ASAUK conference 2016
REAL had a stream of three panels on the temporal, spatial and social dynamics of human-landscape interactions in East Africa at the African Studies Association of the UK 2016 conference at University of Cambridge in September 2016. The panels were themed ‘past’, ‘present’ and ‘future’, providing different temporal frames for the REAL ESRs to present […]
Baringo Fieldwork Pt. 3 – The final step
Four months in the hot Baringo sun was not enough for the archaeological team of Baringo, so we returned for a third and final time. This time we wanted to blow everyone away with our discoveries and, by the end of the fieldwork in July, we surprised even ourselves. The fieldwork had everything: beautiful and […]
Excavations in Baringo, Fieldwork Pt. 2
From January to March, the extraordinary team exploring the archaeology around Lake Baringo set out on another adventure. Rather than endlessly walking through the landscape, discovering scatters of worked stone and shapely pottery, we returned to three sites we recorded during our previous fieldwork. The sites were subject to small excavations that uncovered a great […]
Archaeological fieldwork in Baringo Pt. 1
The REAL archaeological expedition to Lake Baringo began this autumn. From September to November 2014 a team of experienced researchers criss-crossed the southern Baringo lowlands looking for signs of past human occupation. In their quest for knowledge they traversed kilometres under the hot African sun, battling spitting cobras, gruesome thorn shrubs, and the ferocious (but […]
REAL participates at YorNight outreach event in York, UK
YorNight at the University of York Date: 26 September 2014 Time: 4 pm – 9 pm Location: St Martin’s Church, York, United Kingdom REAL members alongside University of York archaeologists Louise Iles and Daryl Stump and members of the The Archaeology of Agricultural Resilience in Eastern Africa (AAREA) project, researchers from the Environment Department; Phil Platts and […]