ARCC’s third stakeholder engagement workshop was held on 26-28th August 2019 workshop in Bariadi town in northern Tanzania. The stakeholders comprised of government and non-governmental bodies, local community, researchers and Wildlife Management Areas from Bariadi, Itilima, Meatu, Maswa and Busega Districts in Simiyu Region. Like other stakeholders workshops run by ARCC, the workshop was interested […]
ARCC Imagines Serengeti with Jan Bender Shetler
ARCC project member Anna Shoemaker recently joined Jan Bender Shetler and Jonathon Schramm on an excursion around western Serengeti. Shetler is a professor of history at Goshen College who has enjoyed a long career researching oral traditions, social identity, landscape and gendered memory and environmental history in the Mara region. Jonathon Schramm is an associate professor of […]
ARCC hosts scenario development workshop in Mugumu
Between August 5 – August 7, 2019, the ARCC project hosted a scenario analysis workshop in the town of Mugumu. This workshop brought together NGO workers, conservationists, government officials, researchers and private sector representatives in order to develop possible scenarios for future land use change in the western Serengeti region. The western Serengeti region is […]
Participatory Scenario Planning Workshop in Ifakara
The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) is a 20 year agricultural commercialisation initiative launched by the World Economic Forum in 2010, with the ultimate goal of enhancing agricultural productivity, food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. The corridor runs through Tanzania’s Kilombero district, an incredibly fertile and biodiverse area with a future that […]
ARCC archaeologists at Africa, the Cradle of Human Diversity Conference
ARCC project members Paul Lane, Anneli Ekblom, and Anna Shoemaker recently attended the international conference on human diversity (May 22-25), hosted by the Schlebusch Lab, Uppsala University. Africa, the Cradle of Human Diversity Conference was dedicated to exploring diversity in relation to crucial chapters of past and recent African history from a cross-disciplinary perspective. The conference covered an […]
New Frontiers in Anthropocene Archaeology
Anna Shoemaker was recently invited to speak about the ARCC project at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena. Her talk was part of a larger workshop focused on bringing together researchers whose work addresses the historic and prehistoric role of humans in shaping regional and global ecosystems. Researchers in […]
Mountain Research Initiative
Friday 26 April 2019 – Bern, Switzerland Several ARCC team members attended the Global Land Programme meeting as well as the Mountain Research Initiative networking function. The Mountain Research Initiative is an international network that promotes research on mountain regions across borders and disciplines through connection and collaboration – with a view to supporting pathways […]
New paper on Biocultural Heritage in Africa!
2 January 2019 A new open-access publication co-authored by REAL team members Anna Shoemaker and Paul Lane is available from the MDPI journal ‘Land’. Ekblom A, Shoemaker A, Gillson L, Lane P, Lindholm K-L. 2019. Conservation through Biocultural Heritage—Examples from Sub-Saharan Africa. Land 8(1), 5. Abstract In this paper, we review the potential of biocultural […]
Dr. Anna Shoemaker successfully defends her thesis!
Anna successfully defended her PhD thesis on Friday, September 27, 2018 – and quantities of schnapps were drunk on Saturday evening to celebrate! A digital copy of her thesis is available here: Shoemaker A. 2018. Pastoral pasts in the Amboseli landscape: An archaeological exploration of the Amboseli ecosystem from the later Holocene to the colonial […]
REAL Project Web Documentary “CHANGES” 2017
African Archaeology Research Day
Welcome to AARD 2017 We are pleased to invite you to the 2017 African Archaeology Research Day (AARD) meeting, which will be hosted on Saturday 25 November at the Department of Archaeology, University of York. The African Archaeology Research Day has been an annual event in the UK since 2002 and the first meeting held […]
Changes. A Web Documentary on the Resilience in East African Landscapes Project
A production by the REAL ITN & IIAC-CNRS/ EHESS 2017 It is our great pleasure to announce the release of the web documentary “Changes” that is based on the insights produced by the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) research and training network. The web documentary constitutes an interactive immersion into the research conducted by […]